Nov 12, 2009

Again , and again

This is when I ever regret to be born as a human , or else. This is when you got the result proving your too dumb to be true. This is when , when. uh i got nothing. Exam is a proven-gay but the result are even gayier . Well lets not get into so details about it, wait i'll give you an hint ;

C's, yes that's plural.

So what's about it besides its a bad or unforgiving failed shit. Retards like you guys should know, a one-way trip for a non-stop blabbering , ofcourse from dear parents. Shit , I would do everything to avoid this, um political argument . I might as well make my i own exam result, plus A's.

awesomeness out.

p/s , siao ah kaww nano, tarik rmbt aq sampai botak . Besar ,