Mar 11, 2011

uish nama aku bhai


Oh cant you feel the fever baby? Oh I didn't mean bieber fever, I meant holidays baby! Okay this posts isn't about holidays or being raped by add mats paper or nor its about lamps. Okay. say hi to

She's cool cool and cooler than ice. I mean I never thought we'd be this tight and Its great to have a friend like ya, seriously. And you know what? My name got stucked in her blog, like how cool is that? lol Liyana, I know you're reading this and please cover that hidung. Bangga gila?

There's something you should know about her, she's a rempit? jk trololol kbai.

Mar 8, 2011

the day when everything seems so fucked up

This is the day when all those uncivilized dumb hard people finally realize when everything is so important.

This is the day when parents gonna scream hard at ya like there's no fucking tommorrow.

This is the day um.. nah I got nothing. Okay ssup people? I told you Imma keep this thing updated like it should be. Okay blog im sorry about 4months without any update. Lol what? It's not like Im some sixteen bitch who life's all about being sad and melodramatic all time. So chill , okay I was talking to myself coz that's the way i rolled. lol

Okay so what about today? If you one of my followers you'll know my updates always update something big that probably i got to something to do with it or no.. Let me get this straight, TOMMORROW IS MY EXAM. YES, DID THE DAMN WORD ECHOES TO YOU?

And you know how guys tend to act like they're some fucking genius who never wanted to study abit and later cry one the day the damn result came out as if bieber got his head bald. And this is my first year of taking science stream, I'm sure from now the word 'fail' or 'D' would be somewhat familiar. At least to me

amri out.

Mar 7, 2011


Yoh ssup? Yeah yeah I know, its a been a while. A 'while'? I dont think thats the best word to describe my unexplained absence and for how long? FUCKING 4 MONTHS YEAH.

Lol blame this chick; twitter. She's got me hookin up on her everyday like there's always everything to talk about and its started to make me look like Mark Sternberg(lol?) with his stupid journal blog who probably got less than 5 followers. Well look who's talking? ha ha.

I'm insulting myself and you should be laughing. Insulting yourself has became the latest trends, yeah even Facebook approves it. Something like this;

1.Post new profile picture
2.Add caption "Im fugly as shit"
3.Then wait for other people to prove you're wrong.

Done. Hey douche! yeah you, I know you did this. Everyone did.

Well to be honest, the reason i left the blog because I kinda thought a guy with a blog sounds cheesy and creepy(well now i dont).

Ahh screw this shit. I'm gonna be updating this thing like the old days. FUCK YEAH AMRI YOU'RE SO FUCKING COOL.kthxbai