Feb 28, 2010

Porno > homework

What the hell is wrong with me? Cant take the pressure and duty of a student(tard) to do some fucking homework , wait I mean fucking homework with a 's. Yeaaaap that's plural and FYI , i got 10 hw plus assingments on hold.

Since its so hard for me , I almost shed tears when I realise that the fact I have to send all of them by this week. Please spare your cheap time reading what Im going to wrote. This is what I need do ;

-Science notes : The ugly truth about genitalia.
- Art : Draw a fucking realisticly ear ( god,how hard is that?)
- Math : Solving 13pages phycologically hard questions
-AG : Copy the same thing from text book (wtfff)
- Sivik: Make the same damn scrapbook again
-English: Do a bloody presentation about some dumb person

& etc.

Should I do or no ?

Feb 18, 2010

Pissy Jackson & The Metrosexual Thief

Havent see it yet ? For the love of god or for the love of 10 bucks , DONT.

A fucking waste of my 2hours in life and since cinemas didnt have policy of refunding money over piggy movies , I decided to let off my angry-ism on this blog. Quick sypnosis :

1. A huge hobo in tight pants came from the water , decided to hook up with his brother on the top of a building for a steamy sex.
2. Then , they fight over a dumb lightning bolt.
3. His brother decided to go home and hide under his bed.
4. Scene switch to some white kid who tought he could live under water accompanied by some nigger .
5. Then the kid was attacked by his hot 20's teacher/ugly monster but saved by a fag on a wheelchair.
6. After that the kid got a new present : A pen that could turn into a sword ! Kudos !

I could've continue but you get the picture , the movie itself is an epic fail. So here my word , dont watch the damn movie.

Feb 13, 2010


I'm sure it's been a while since the I last updated this forsaken thing .
Actually I've been overly and entirely busy that I forgot abt this blog. Thanks to the fucking assigments and homeworks from the douchebag's at the Sekolah Menengah Keb. They dont give a crap how you'd feel. Currently I have around 10-15 hw plus two three assignment on hold.

Just plain wtf rite ?

And its the Chinese new year , the month of prosperity or so they say. The time where you should be relaxing/begging to your chinese friend like a cheap bastard for ang pau's and enjoying those rare sweet oranges while watching some 1970's porno. Kudos for you if you did that. LOL

Too add it up , gayvalentine is here too and where the fuck is my chocolate. I WANT MY CHOC , CHOC ! Okay that was a little too dramatic. I'm sure the Seri Gombak Tasik is crowded with couples/whores swapping chocs. To them its romantical , to me its just OMFGLMAO plus with some lololol !

im out